Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Wild Bird Wednesday 3-13-12

Not the typical bird photo but I just love how it shows the striping on the wings of this Stellar's Jay!
He had just turned and raised the feathers on his head in alarm and flew off! I almost missed it.
I just got a couple of long lenses and this is one of the first shots I got, and it's through a window.
The birds are not cooperating.



  1. what a lovely shade of blue. we have jays here now too. look at his spindly little legs!

  2. I laughed at your last sentence. Do they ever? (;^)) Have fun with your new lenses.

  3. I like his fawhawk...I wonder what kind of gel he uses...lol..amazing pic Krisit....

  4. Beautiful feathers.

    Regards and best wishes

  5. The feather and blues are pretty, sorry the birds are not cooperating. They are quick.

  6. Great picture. I can never get to my camera fast enough -- he does seem to have bed head doesn't he.

  7. A wonderful image.. birds just don't appreciate posing for pics...

  8. Kristi, Love the colors of his feathers. Great shot of him shunning you, birds are so temperamental.

  9. I love the geometry of this shot. Your going to love those new long lenses and I'll bet the divine frustration of bird photography gets under your skin!

  10. Kristi! I love a non-typical photo! The texture, details of the feathers and colors are fabulous!

    P.S. I'm so jealous of your new lenses! :)

  11. This photo really does show off his lovely feathers!

  12. I saw one of these guys during a trip to Alaska a couple years ago (we don't have them on the east coast.) I was surprised how big he was...just taking a bath in a puddle, looking at me like I was doing something wrong by taking his picture lol.
