Friday, October 29, 2010

Art Bead Scene October Monthly Challenge

First I'll say I can officially start putting weight on my foot. I'll tell you more later in this post, along with pictures. For those who want to know what I'm referring to you can check out this previous blog post.

I mainly want to talk about the October Monthly Challenge on the Art Bead Scene blog. I've been thinking about it all month and I finally found the last few beads I needed to put the piece together. Don't have much time so I hope to finish it tomorrow if not today.

Here are the beads I'll be using.

Now if you don't like medical stuff go no further, nothing really horrible, just a picture of my foot with a monster screw in it. Now my left and right foot have matching bolts!! And no they do not set off the metal detector at the airport lol.

Now it's time to ditch my awesome knee scooter and get to crutches. After about 4-5 days I'll get rid of the crutches. I'll still be wearing the big black boot for a few more weeks.


1 comment:

  1. Ouch! Good thing you don't bead with your feet! At least you'll be off crutches soon. Please excuse stupid joke.
