Saturday, June 30, 2012

I Heart Macro

If you're looking for my Big Hole Blog Hop just click on the picture,
 for Macro please scroll down.


studio waterstone


  1. I love this! Especially that water drop in the center. Great shot!

  2. I love the way rain can catch on the leaves of lupine! Their foliage is almost as interesting to me as their flowers. Mine never seem to last longer than their bi-annual norm, and don't sprout on their own very well from seeds, so I have given up on them, sadly. They just don't like my habitat areas very much. =( Are those in your yard?

  3. That photo cooled me off a good twenty degrees! It's so HOT here.

  4. Absolutely stunning, Kristi! Feel like I can almost reach through the monitor and stroke the water off the plants. You have quite an eye!

  5. This is really a dreamy shot! I always love water drops on plants and you captured these so well.

  6. Love these! The water drops are gorgeous.
