Monday, June 13, 2011

Silver Component Preview

It's raining and picture taking is challenging. I trodded on out to the greenhouse where I had my best shot at getting decent photos. Only one of the individual photos turned out and a decent group shot. Hope for a little bit more light when I get home from work tonight.

The one useable individual shot that turned out pretty good seems to be everybody's favorite, the Ammonite Square in Silver. I probably should have made more than one!

The goal is to list at least a couple of these tonight in my Etsy Shop. See something you have to have I can reserve it for you.



  1. STUNNING! I love your components!

  2. These are just lovely, Kristi. Thank you for showing the process and I love the way you have photographed them.
    Enjoy the day!

  3. These are fabulous, the ammonites are my favourites!
    Deb x

  4. ::sigh:: Now, where, oh where is that money tree?? Yes, want everything...but those ammonites are indeed my favorite too!
