Monday, June 22, 2015

Violet-Green Swallow Days 4 and 5

The continuing saga of my Violet-Green Swallow Family!
Babies hatched on 6/17/15,
here is video from day 4 and day 5.

I took a quick peak in the nest over the weekend and took this picture. 
Extremely difficult to get a picture from inside the nest box, the camera wants to focus on the feathers.

The videos are taken from a camera inside the nest box and we have it wired to a tv inside my house.
When I get in to the nest box itself it's only for a very short time, less than a minute.



  1. Boy you can see even in 1 day how they are growing and VERY hungry.

  2. What fun, Kristi! Thank you for sharing. How they have grown!

  3. Amazing...and they have the "original" style of down comforter and pillows :-)
